Concentric was retained to conduct multi-disciplinary condition assessments on nine RCMP Detachment facilities in nine communities in Nunavut.
Approach & Methodology
RCMP buildings in Nunavut are inspected on a bi-yearly basis. The various facilities were subject to assessment of structural, building envelope, mechanical and electrical systems, as well as, interior finishes and surface drainage. Energy usage was reviewed and documented. Performance and safety issues were identified by priority. Any potential progressive deterioration issues were flagged for either corrective action or ongoing monitoring. A life cycle analysis was performed on the major building systems and components. Capital forecasting was then prepared on a twenty year horizon, and included measures for energy use reduction. The projected costs were presented in a linked spreadsheet format for each facility, which were then summarized in a master spreadsheet containing all facilities.
Key Challenges
Geographically remote locations and a limited window for on-site assessment required that the assessment process was both structured and flexible to accomodate the numerous logistical challenges of arctic travel. Having worked continuously in the Arctic since the founding of Concentric, we realize proper information gathering in the field is essential, given the impracticality of revisiting the community to collect any missing data.
Key Personnel
Project Director: Allan Murray, P. Eng.
Project Manager: Paul Matergio, CET
Technologist: Randy Scott