Phase I ESA, 3.65 Acre Residential Property, London, ON


4 weeks




Concentric was retained by a consultant to conduct a Phase I ESA for a residential property located on Highbury Avenue in London, Ontario. The property encompassed approximately 3.65 acres and the client’s plan was to potentially develop the property as a residential subdivision.

Approach & Methodology

The Phase I ESA was carried out in accordance with the practices identified in Canadian Standards Association document Z768-01 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, (2001, as amended). The site reconnaissance included a walk-over visual inspection of the site and cursory observations of adjacent properties from the site boundary and publicly accessible areas, and interviews of personnel familiar with the site.

Key Challenges

The residence had been abandoned for over 5 years and the exterior was snow covered which made observations difficult for both the interior and exterior assessment.

Key Personnel

Project Director: Bob Hoad, C.Tech., CMI
Field Tech. & Reporting: Heather Schuyler, C.Tech.


Environmental Site Assessment

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