Concentric provided services related to a Phase III Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and Remedial Action Plan (RAP) for an airport in a remote area of the Northwest Territories. The purpose of the Phase III ESA was to identify and quantify hazardous and non-hazardous materials at the airport, and to fully delineate the extent of impacts to soil and groundwater from hydrocarbon contamination, metals, waste debris and other contaminants of concern in seven separate areas of potential environmental concern (APEC). The purpose of the RAP was to develop recommendations for remedial actions in regard to areas of impact identified during the Phase III ESA.
Approach & Methodology
The Phase III ESA included both a hazardous materials assessment on ten on-site buildings and a subsurface investigation. The subsurface investigation involved the excavation of 9 test pits, the advancement of 21 boreholes (11 of which were completed as monitoring wells) and surficial soil sample collection in order to assess soil and groundwater conditions at each APEC. The RAP included a comprehensive review and evaluation of applicable management and remedial options for each hazardous substance and area of impact identified in the Phase III ESA. Ranking of options was provided to the GNWT along with ‘Class D’ cost estimates of each option. This exercise resulted in Concentric’s recommended option for the management/remediation of impact and hazardous materials. The Phase III ESA and RAP reports were well received by the client, whose comments made particular mention of the quality of Concentric’s work. This project was completed under budget.
Key Challenges
Northern logistics associated with drilling mobilization and equipment shipping and short project timelines
Key Personnel
Project Director: Allan Murray, P.Eng.
Project Manager: Bob Hoad, C. Tech., CMI
Field Investigator: Andrea Bulanda, P.Eng., M.Sc.Eng.